Madhubani Harijan Paintings

Madhubani Harijan Paintings: Quite late in Madhubani, a new school emerged known as Harijan school. Harijan have their own individual tradition which is neither integrally related to Brahmin nor Kayastha paintings of Madhubani. The common thing the Brahmin, Kayastha and Harijan paintings share is that they flourished in the same geographical area. They do narrative clay relief work on walls of their houses depicting incidents from their legends. Most of their deities were expert thieves or glorified guards.

Uttam Paswan and His Paintings:

Uttam Paswan is an excellent painter of Harijan Paintings of Mithala. Generally, narrated and painted legends of Raja Sahlesh, show that most deities were expert thieves or glorified watchmen. Uttam’s paintings are basically pictorial interpretation of episodes from the Dusadh legend of Raja Sahlesh. Use of natural colours are his speciality. Uttam’s muted colours have an earthy effect. Colour is in the form of a highly diluted watery solution. This technique enables him to choose the exact luminosity, depth of colour and shade and to achieve the effect of a desirable haziness. Brushes are made by wrapping cotton at one end of a twig or matchstick.